According to the directive UE 2016/679 and the laws in force, we provide the following information concerning the treatment and protection of your personal data.
Imeta S.r.l., also reachable calling the number +39 0521 1688811 or by e-mail writing at
The identification personal data collected by the person involved, the user of the web site, are object of treatment and they are therefore treated and used directly for the following purposes:
(a) In order to respond to the request by the user of getting information related to the activities of this business, or other requests by the client, besides additional and connected purposes such as filing, elaboration fully respecting the principle of correctness and lawfulness and the directives in force.
(b) to send communications about future commercial and promotional initiatives; service notices and offers by the Controller and to send informative and promotional messages related to the business, besides the purposes related to and for it.
The data collected will not be spread, sold or shared to and with any third parties without your explicit consent, except for possible and isolated communications that may become necessary to forward the request.
Transfer outside the EU
The data of the person involved will not be transferred through countries outside the European Union. In case this transfer of data to countries not belonging to the EU (or international organizations) becomes necessary in the future, all the dispositions of the UE 2016/679 law will be observed in order to guarantee an adequate level protection.
Period of preservation
All the data provided by you will be preserved for a period or two years from the last contact or active correspondence, however not longer than the time of your request of cancellation.
Rights of the person involved
It is in your right to request the controller to access your personal data, to amend them or even cancel the, or limit their treatment if need be. You can always ask the complete specifics of your personal data’s treatment as well as your rights by contacting the Controller to the telephone number and e-mail address provided by the Controller himself, also indicated at the beginning of this document.
Withdraw your consent
If you think the treatment of your personal data is violating the GDPR law UE 2016/679 you have the right to report it to the GDPR, placed in Rome, Piazza Monte Citorion. 121, 00186 Italy.
Diritto di Reclamo
Se ritiene che il trattamento che la riguarda violi il Regolamento GDPR EU-2016/679 ha il diritto di proporre reclamo al Garante per la protezione dei dati personali, con sede in Piazza di Monte Citorio n. 121, IT-00186, Roma